Monday, April 26, 2010

What is Your Starbucks Name?

Right, so a bit of a delay on the blog updates. But I have big stuff to show for it -we found a place. Let me rephrase - we found a shoebox with bedrooms! At 1,200 sq ft it's meant to be "generous" Manhattan accommodation. At least on the Upper West Side. Funny that - the apartments seem to be directly in opposite proportion to the size of, well, just about everything else.

Spending copious amounts of time at Starbucks. To those of you in Europe or Australia, this may sound HORRIFIC. But let me say, if you want espresso based coffee, Starbucks has the market cornered here (and seriously on EVERY corner!). Here's this blog's dilemma: What do you say your name is when they ask? I started innocently by saying "Nova" to which I received the following responses:
* Did you say NON Fat?
* Melva?
* Nadia?
* Because we need to call you.
After a few attempts at honesty, I started saying my son's name "Hayden", to which I usually end up accepting will become Kayden, Brayden or Aiden. But then my partner suggested I put on an exaggerated Yankee accent and say "Jen-uh-FER". Coming from an Aussie this was ridiculously funny. Especially considering the response would very likely be, "Jonathan?" - correct! So we came up with some other Starbucks names that, when yelled out, would provide serious entertainment:
*(With a straight face) "Serial Killer" - "Serial Killer, Double Tall Non-fat Latte for Serial Killer?"
* Biatch (or Bee-atch, to which you can say "WHAT did you just say!?")
* Tyrone (but only if you are a white blond girl, try "Sarah" if you are a six-foot-six black man)
* Coffee (say it with a Parisian accent - the guy writing it is never the guy yelling the name)
* Aussie (use when you miss home, then yell in response: AUSSIE AUSSIE - OI OI OI!)

Don't fear you won't be believed - I met a guy named Breakfast this week!

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